Thursday 1 May 2014

TV Review: Vikings

Another TV review this week and I’ve struck gold! If you have not seen Vikings, I suggest you stop what you are doing, go home and put it on. 

Set in the eighth century, Vikings centres on the life of Ragnar Lothbrok, a poor farmer who challenges his village chief to start sailing west to get plunder in Viking raids. His lord refuses his suggestion and Ragnar heads west in spite - finding England and bountiful lands to raid. 

If you enjoy Game of Thrones or even historical dramas you should enjoy this. While there is no magic like the former, the series does skirt the fringes of fantasy - especially with former priest Aslaug, who often has visions of Gods and dark creatures. There is also the seer, a blind man in Ragnar’s village who is meant to be able to decipher the will of the Gods. 

Vikings is bloody, often fast paced and at times very grisly. There is a lot going on, a lot of characters and some interesting ideas. 

My only gripe with the show is that some of the Norse characters seem to have difficulty keeping their accents. Rollo - Ragnar’s brother - is one such example. Sometimes he sounds Norse, sometimes he sounds English. Other actors suffer from the same affliction. 

Vikings gets 9/10.

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