Sunday, 28 June 2015

Salma Hayek takes the lead role in the very dark and bloody Everly. The movie was released last year but I have only just heard of it.
Anyway, this movie got quite mixed reviews. Personally I enjoyed it for the most part but I can understand those who did not.

Everly is a hooker who finally snaps and kills her ex-partner's henchmen in her flat. Realising what she has done, Everly holes up in her apartment in readiness to fight the other gang members her ex will send her way.

I would carry on with the plot but that is pretty much all there is to tell. As you can imagine this is a film full of gun fights and explosions as Everly slugs it out with gangsters. The fight scenes are a great watch and intentionally funny in places.

If you are looking for a story with substance though you will not find it here. While Salma Hayek makes a nice piece of eye candy for the guys and pleases their inner-five-year-old's list for shooting and things going boom – it's a film that will not appeal to anyone else.

The film does attempt to be quirky at times but there parts just left me more confused than anything else. There is definitely a Quentin Tarantino style the film makers were going for with Everly but it's not quite there.

While Tarantino indulges in random quirky characters or moments in his movies (usually anyway) he tends to make them have some serious relevance to the plot – e.g a main character. Everly on the other hand can get away without them.

Everly is an extremely gory film and not one to watch on a Sunday afternoon with the family.

It gets 5/10 from me.