Pick up your weapons and rations because this week
we’re heading to the battlefield to take a look at free-to-play video game,
World of Tanks.
This war game is available on the Xbox 360, the PC
and through iOS. As you can probably hazard from the title, this game is based
on the military doom bringers.
World of Tanks is an online multiplayer where
players are split into teams and must defeat all of their opponents to win. There
are a few different types of game but generally you win by doing the above.
The more you play, the more experience points and
silver you earn which can be spent on upgrading your fleet of tanks to better
ones or by improving their armour and guns. There are some upgrades you can
only buy with real cash but given this is a free game no player can really turn
their nose up at it. You can play perfectly happily though without ever having
to spend a penny.
Game play wise the controls are straight forward.
You use your joysticks to move and turn the vehicle and the right trigger (on
the Xbox 360 controller) to fire. Moving the tanks forward is easy enough but moving
backwards and turning in reverse can be difficult. It is also worth remembering
that how fast you can move, how well armoured and how much damage you cause all
depend on which tank you are driving and what upgrades it carries.
The game can be very frustrating to begin with as
you will get blown up a lot, but once you start acquiring better death machines
and become more tactful in how you play, it does become a lot more fun.
Upgrading the tanks can be confusing to those who know little about the vehicles (like myself) as they are modelled off their real world counterparts and it is hard to decide at times what to upgrade to and what to avoid all together. Just because some tanks are higher level than the ones you may have does not necessarily mean they are any good. If you are going to upgrade your tanks, I would take advice from more seasoned players or do your research online.